Barbara O’Neill’s recipe for Liver Detox & Flu Bomb Blend together and drink for at least seven days, followed by the liver tea recipe 15 minutes after you drink the liver cleanse recipe. Liver Cleanse Recipe: 1 cup of fresh orange/grapefruit and lemon juice 1 cup of water 1 […]

Energy Enhancement – Stimulant Free Energy patches such as X39 and Energy Enhancer are designed to increase the energy and metabolism in your body by stimulating stem cells as a result of the heat in your body when it comes into contact with the crystallized patches. New customers can try […]
Increase Energy without Stimulants

Preferred Customer Program First-time customers receive a full 90-day money-back guarantee. Preferred customers receive wholesale pricing and free samples of Lifewave patches including x39 and a full sleeve of their preferred patch on the 6th month with a monthly subscription fee of $19.95. Additionally preferred customers earn 20% back in loyalty […]
Stem Cell Activation and Support

Currency Revaluations Vietnamese Dong, Iraqi Dinar, and many other Foreign Currencies are expected to revaluate upon Gesara/Nesara in the not too distant future. Many currencies are still available for purchase from verified sellers on eBay. Click the image to view details or make a purchase. Latest […]
Gesara – Global Currency Revaluation

How to Wash Pesticide Residue from Fruits and Vegetables Wash pesticide residue off of food using one of the following methods. One part of either Vinegar, Lemon Juice, Baking Soda, or Salt to 4 parts clean water. Soak for a minimum of 15-20 minutes, rinse well. Porous fruits such as […]
Washing Pesticide Residue from Food

Crystal Properties The quartz crystal family contains many interesting crystal properties that have been studied for years by scientists and engineers. One of the most popular types of crystals that are well studied is amorphous or polycrystalline crystals. These crystals have a fine crystal structure and exhibit excellent chemical, […]
Properties of Crystals

The Celestial Chamber (CC) For Healing, Rejuvenation, and Re-Aging Additional CC and donation information available at Learn more about Free Energy on the YouTube channel.
The Celestial Chamber (CC)

Sadly; evil has become far too prevalent in this world, the intention is to cause fear and pain for those who refuse to follow the evil. Choose to be the love and light of the lord, this website has the tools necessary to protect yourself and your loved ones. […]