Donna Hartt

Barbara O’Neill’s recipe for Liver Detox & Flu Bomb    Blend together and drink for at least seven days, followed by the liver tea recipe 15 minutes after you drink the liver cleanse recipe. Liver Cleanse Recipe: 1 cup of fresh orange/grapefruit and lemon juice 1 cup of water 1 […]

Liver Cleanse Recipe

Stem Cell Regeneration
Energy Enhancement  – Stimulant Free Energy patches such as X39 and Energy Enhancer are designed to increase the energy and metabolism in your body by stimulating stem cells as a result of the heat in your body when it comes into contact with the crystallized patches. New customers can try […]

Increase Energy without Stimulants

X39 Stem Cell Patch
Preferred Customer Program First-time customers receive a full 90-day money-back guarantee. Preferred customers receive wholesale pricing and free samples of Lifewave patches including x39 and a full sleeve of their preferred patch on the 6th month with a monthly subscription fee of $19.95.  Additionally preferred customers earn 20% back in loyalty […]

Stem Cell Activation and Support

Currency Revaluations Vietnamese Dong, Iraqi Dinar, and many other Foreign Currencies are expected to revaluate upon Gesara/Nesara in the not too distant future.  Many currencies are still available for purchase from verified sellers on eBay. Click the image to view details or make a purchase.         Latest […]

Gesara – Global Currency Revaluation