Crystal Properties
The quartz crystal family contains many interesting crystal properties that have been studied for years by scientists and engineers. One of the most popular types of crystals that are well studied is amorphous or polycrystalline crystals. These crystals have a fine crystal structure and exhibit excellent chemical, optical, and mechanical properties. There are many different types of amorphous or polycrystalline quartz including ice crystal, colloidal crystal, spool glass crystal, and smooth crystal.
One fascinating crystal property of quartz crystal is its ability to store and reflect light. We can use this property to create energy in any manner we desire. A shimmering sceptre quartz crystal, for instance, will project light in a dancing fashion when light shines upon it. The same crystal also has the ability to refract light in the form of a prism.
Another type of crystal used in the creation of energy is the crystal that has a fine structure of micro-spheres. Microspheres are able to absorb small amounts of energy from their surroundings and convert this energy into heat. A number of psychic mediums use tiny stones or phantom crystals to communicate with the spirit world. These stones are thought to help release a person from emotional trauma. They have also been used by ancient healers to cast out demons and release negative energy from the body. Psychic readers who work with crystal objects state that the spirits of the dead take residence in these tiny stones. Some psychic mediums believe that the living can hear the messages these stones make as they pass within the earth.